Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Acts 5:17-21 - Are you sharing the whole message?

Scripture: Acts 5:17-21

Summary: The disciples had been preaching and healing and it was making the people in charge jealous. They arrested the apostles and put them in prison. But that night the angel of the Lord opened the prison doors and told them to preach in the temple. So they went at daybreak to teach in the temple.

Thoughts:  The angels instructions to the disciples were: "Go, stand in the temple and tell the people the whole message about this life." Even though they had been thrown into prison for preaching already, they went to the temple and began preaching again. And the angel was very clear that they were to teach the whole message. What does this mean? Well, I think that they were being called to tell the entire story of Jesus Christ, his life, his works, his words, his death, and his resurrection. Too often when we tell people what it means to be a Christian, we don't deliver the whole message. We don't tell them how hard it can be to follow Christ. We don't tell them that they might end up in jail, or worse. But even this is not the whole message. Because the most important part is that God is with us. We are not alone. We are not being called to do God's work on our own. We not only have other Christians to help us but we have the Holy Spirit with us. Are we telling people the whole message about this life?

Prayer: Speak through me as I attempt, with my insufficient words, to share with others the message about life with Jesus Christ. Help me to share the whole message of his witness. Amen.

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