Monday, April 23, 2012

Acts 4:32-37 - Let's Return to the Early Church!

Scripture: Acts 4:32-37

Summary: The group of Christians was of one heart and shared everything. With great power the apostles gave their testimony to the resurrection of Christ. There was not a needy one among them.

Thoughts: How did the church go from this picture of the early church, where everyone is taken care of and they share all things together, to the situation that we have today with needy people on almost every street corner? Sometimes I find myself longing for those days when everyone in the church took care of each other. But then I begin to think of the reality of that scenario and find that my selfishness comes out and I don't really want to share all of my things with other people! Our apartment in Wichita Falls is downtown, six blocks from First United Methodist Church where I work. Every day I drive down 13th Street and turn on to Travis, driving right past the parking lot where the day labor workers gather. Each time I go by I wonder what I can do to help these people who do not have full-time employment. As a part of the church, shouldn't I be helping them find work so that they can support their families? But looking at the number of people gathered there, I feel discouraged and give up. Perhaps, however, I can find some work for one person for a day. Or maybe I can stop and talk with them and just hear their stories. Each of us can make a difference, we just have to be willing to do so!

Prayer: Creator God, oftentimes the church has not done a very good job of being the hands and feet of Christ. There is so much suffering in this world, even in my neighborhood, that we often feel overwhelmed. Give us faith and hope that we can make begin to make changes around us. Amen.

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