Thursday, January 17, 2008

Matthew 2:13-18 - Dangerous Journey

Scripture: Matthew 2:13-18

Summary: After Jesus is born, an angel tells Joseph to take Jesus to Egypt because Herod wants to kill him. They go to Egypt and Herod kills all children under 2 years old.

Thoughts: First let me say that I am sorry for taking a month off! But I am going to attempt to blog at least a couple of times a week now, so here goes... So often the Christian life is discussed only in terms of the gifts and benefits that come from being a Christian. But it is also a dangerous journey. If we truly live as Jesus did, striving for the reign of God, we will make those in power angry. So being a Christian could make life more difficult for us, rather than making it easier. So why would anyone choose this way of life? Because, first, the promise of the fulfullment of the reign of God, where no one suffers and all have the same opportunities is worth striving for. Second, with God's help anything is possible. We can't do it on our own. But with God behind us, we can do anything!

Prayer: This is a dangerous journey that we have undertaken Lord. We often feel unable to continue. But you make it possible for us, not only to make it through, but to push ever forward. For you are a steadfast God, ever with us. Amen.

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